
Kung Food Panda


Kung Food Panda

Kung Food Panda is not only the world’s tastiest Asian fast food restaurant chain in malls. It is a journey into the world of high-quality raw materials and authentic manufacturing methods. By practicing his species patiently and respecting traditions, Kung Food Panda has earned its highest level of cooking - the Black Belt.

Lippulaiva 1. floor
Opening hours
Mon-Fri 10.30-20
Sat 11-20
Sun 11.30-19

Tips & offers

 Myöhäis Lounas Buffet
valid: 9.9.-8.10.
Myöhäis Lounas Buffet
Tarjous 10.90€ (norm. 12,90€)
Arkisin klo 13:00-15:00
30 day lowest price: 12,90€